aws Creative Impact granted

Peter KnoblochNews

Very good news! The Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws) today granted the aws creative impact support for our project: The development of a manufacturer independent, open source electric motor and control … Read More

Vienna Design Week 2019

Peter KnoblochNews

See the current state of our development at the Vienna Design Week 2019 in Festival Headquarters in the Althan Quartier 9., Julius-Tandler-Platz 3. … Read More

AK für Sie

Peter KnoblochNews

The Austrian Chamber of Labour featured our project in the June issue of their monthly magazine “AK für Sie” … Read More

Die Presse

Peter KnoblochNews

The daily newspaper “Die Presse” featured our project in their issue on Saturday, 4. May 2019. … Read More

Maker Faire Vienna 2019

Peter KnoblochUncategorized

Meet us next weekend at the Maker Faire Vienna 2019, the biggest DIY festival in Austria, at booth E63!

Maker Faire Vienna 2019

Peter KnoblochNews

Meet us on 4. & 5. May 10:00 – 18:00 at the Maker Faire Vienna 2019, the biggest DIY festival in Austria, at booth E63! … Read More

Distributed Design Award

Peter KnoblochNews

Very good news! Today we got nominated for the Distributed Design Award as part of the Maker Faire Vienna 2019.

170. UXvienna Evening Meetup

Peter KnoblochNews

Sustainable devices also need good user interfaces. In the keynote ‘Promoting use cases & functionality within user interfaces’ at Anyline we share our thoughts on that tricky topic or, in other words, if it helps to spread combinations of 4 basic device functions over 24 menu items.
Many thanks to the team of UXvienna for inviting us to their 170. UXvienna Evening Meetup!

aws impulse XS granted

Peter KnoblochNews

Excellent news! The Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws) today granted the aws impulse XS support for our project.